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night & morning as we are accustomed to do. It's very annoying not to be able to see people where you want to, but then everything is annoying, so why speak of love? I murmured "gifts may pass away" - yet knew not what I meant to say. 

Uncle Walter was down here for a Sunday & was his same sweet old self - in fact I could find no traces of May's ravaging hand, so I think that passed away as gifts do. I hope so at any rate. Is Mlle. with you now? give her my love if she is. 

I am cutting two wisdom teeth which are most painful and I spend all my agonied moments trying to discover what I have learned of fate - I have at least learned two things - one that perseverance conquers everything, & the other that perseverance is the most disgustingly offensive thing in the world. "Ruminations" has been left unheeded, as I have ceased to think - write me soon again - I like to hear from you.

Every devotedly

August 9.