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BARBARA CHASE RIBOUD was born in Philadelphia. A graduate of Temple University there, she also holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from Yale. Winner of a John Hay Whitney Foundation Fellowship, Mrs. Riboud has exhibited her sculpture in such diverse showcases as the Spoleto Festival, the Carnegie International Show and the Penn Academy of Fine Arts. She now makes her home in Paris with her photographer husband and their two children.

ROMARE BEARDEN, a native of Charlotte, N.C., moved to Harlem as a young boy. After graduation from N.Y.U., Bearden worked at the Art Students League. Following World War II, he went to Paris on the G.I. Bill and there discovered Brancusi, Leger and Braque, the artists whose use of color became his major influence. Long a social worker for the City of New York, Bearden is now a full time artist who runs the Cinque Gallery for young Black artists. His work has recently been on view at the Museum of Modern Art.

BETTY BLAYTON TAYLOR comes from Williamsburg, Va. A graduate of Syracuse University, she studied at the Art Students League and at the Brooklyn Museum School. She has had one-man shows of her work in New York, Atlanta and St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. As a member of the faculty and Board of Trustees at the Studio Museum in Harlem, she is a guiding spirit behind the Children's Art Carnival.

RICHARD HUNT comes from Chicago. He is a graduate of the city's Art Institute. He has taught at the University of Illinois, at Yale and at Purdue, and he has held both Guggenheim and Ford Foundation Fellowships. Today, Hunt maintains his home and studio in Chicago, while his sculpture is on exhibit at such institutions as the National Museum of Israel, the Whitney, the Guggenheim, Museum of Modern Art and the Art Institute of Chicago.

CHARLES WHITE is that most typical of 20th century Americans, a naturalized Californian. Born in Chicago, he studied at the Art Institute and at the Art Students League in New York and the Taller de Grafica in Mexico. He has won seven major scholarships, awards and fellowships, including the A.I.C. scholarships, the Rosenwald Fellowship and the National Institute of Arts and Letters grant. He now teaches in Los Angeles, in addition to continuing his own career.