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Oriental Design, Form and Color
A complete reinstallation in the second floor Oriental Galleries presents a new aspect of the Oriental Collections, concentrating on pottery, sculpture, paintings and lacquer from China, Korea and Japan. The periods covered range from the 10th century B.C. to the 19th century. Ancient Chinese bronze and jade, Korean pottery from the 4th to 17th centuries and Japanese pottery, lacquer and stencils are among the highlights of the exhibition.

Art by Rutgers/Newark Students
The exhibition of paintings and sculpture by art students of Rutgers/Newark continues in the Community Gallery. Artists include David Martin, Barbara La Plaza, Sam Forlenza, Maria Niforatos, Antonio Branco, Stephen Barnes, Russel Murray, Richard Russo, Camille Foss and Philip Gregory Jones, all of Newark. Also, Vivian McDuffie and Ilene Rich of Orange, Richard Haynes and Neil Beckerman of East Orange, Lynn Selander and John Powell of Jersey City, and Christopher Dunham and Ronald Cebrick of Irvington. Others include Yvonne Drozdzyk of Rutherford, Dennis Brennan, Verona: Rita Heymann of Succasunna, Henry de Knegt of Kearny, Leslie Panson of Livingston, Kathy Shuklis of Bloomfield, Denis Tarakjian, Clifton; Mary Grunbaum of Cliffside Park and Ruthellen Thomas of Garfield.

All-American Concert by Stevens Institute
Let Freedom Ring, a concert by the 45-member Concert Band and the 55-member Glee Club of Stevens Institute of Technology, will be presented on Sunday, December 5, at 3:00 p.m. In addition to several selections by the Band, the Glee Club will sing special arrangements by Robert Hebble, club accompanist, entitled America: The Heritage and A Declaration, including folk ballads and songs of more recent vintage.

Rutgers Christmas Concert
The University Chorus of Rutgers/Newark and the Rutgers Chamber Chorus will join in a program of Christmas music on Sunday, December 12, at 3:00 p.m. Included in the program are the Missa Brevis by Mozart and Vaughan-Williams' Fantasy on Christmas Carols. The 90-member University Chorus and 26-member Chamber Chorus will be accompanied by a student orchestra, all under the direction of Louie L. White.

UNICEF Christmas Cards
Among a variety of holiday greeting cards from the Newark Museum and other museums, this year the sales desk has available by popular demand a group of UNICEF cards. For gifts, Museum publications, jigsaw puzzles and sculpture reproductions are on sale. Members' discount applies except on UNICEF cards.

Staff Notes
Paul Waters has been appointed to the newly-created position of Director of Community Affairs, in which he will serve as liaison with the community. Mr. Waters holds an M.S. degree in Special Education and Curriculum from Bank Street College of Education and a B.A. from Goddard College. Before joining the Museum staff he was a School Principal at Essex County Youth House in Newark for two years. He had previously served as Director of Educational Programs for Urban Resources, Inc., in New York, and has held several posts in teaching and research, including work with emotionally disturbed children.

Sake bottle, Kakiemon ware, Japan, 17th-18th centuries. Porcelain decorated in polychrome enamels, 8 5/8" high. Gift of N. V. Hammer, 1967.

Paul Waters