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Dec 24 -21

The MacBeth Gallery
New York

It is a quiet week, when one has time to do nothing. So can I; so can you, I imagine: namely to read, what I like to write you.

For, I went in to your rooms, - after 6 years absence - to see the Eaton's, that is, to see what the scenery in the West is like. And I saw the first room, too, all nice pictures for home decoration.

Then I took a copy of Art Notes along, and I have just read it carefully, somewhat critically. 

And I must pick a bone with you. But in the friendliest spirit.

From 1900 to 1910 I was often in your rooms, when I was painting quietly (being then professionally an architect) in order to see how others paint. 
And it all was, then, art to me - and to my own clients. 

And I liked Mr. Macbeth and we talked together, sometimes. Your place is still the same. And it is nice. And Art Notes is clever. Neither is wrong, since Art is very wide and embraces the old and the safe and sane and the nice and the mere artistic and sentimental and with all this, of course, goes the general large moneyed home decorator church going American public. And I have no business to quarrell with them all. Thus far, you are right.

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