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In my various ways, of business or personally, I have met and still meet my share of the moneyed Public (people able to like and to buy art). Very few
buy my work. And I have no grudge whatever.

However, I do know, and know for sure,
that, what is in the Modernists work not mere "copying Renoir, Cézanne, Gauguin" p 1241; has in Europe and here with especially the professional class ("rich" doctors, engineers, actors e.t.c.), and with alive business men, in increasing number, that assured place of pure art interest (love of art and acquiring it), devoid of fotographic sentimentalism or of mere decorating or of mere vanity..., which it deserves, critically.

And you are wrong in your attitude toward it. And toward the public. I am sure, I do not have to explain further, knowing you understand me fully. I have no personal bone, no business bone, to pick. It is only all an answer to Art Notes, going out into the public, where, in some places, here, abroad, all of us are critically and mercilessly judged.

Art Notes is a business. I understand business and I do not mean for a moment to interfer, critically, with Art Notes. But even the business point of view - the [[fir--? tear in page]] the publics, - cannot escape, finally, critical analysis. In NO business whatever.

[[stamped]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART MACBETH [[/stamped]]