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May 15, 1956
Mr. Robert Bluemner
13 Hamilton Street
Braintree, Mass.
Dear Mr. Bluemner:
Thank you for your letter of May 7th and the offer of the eight paintings as a package for $2,800.00. This is to let you know that I am interested, and will probably purchase some or perhaps all of the eight paintings.
However, before committing myself directly, I would like to know whether you would be willing to let me handle the sale of the remaining paintings in your father's estate. Perhaps if I could work it out to put on a retrospective show some time next year in our gallery here in New York. I was quite successful in renewing interest in the work of the late Everett Shinn and am now handling the paintings for the estate.
I personally like your father's work very much and feel that we could possibly disburse the estate to your good advantage. However, before I put in a good deal of time, effort and money I would like to find out whether it would be possible to come to some agreement with you in handling the sale of the estate pictures.
If you would be so inclined, I would be perfectly willing to take all the paintings which are presently in storage, keep them here where we have adequate facilities. They would be properly insured and would be available for display to our private collectors and museum directors.
If you do not feel disposed to consider this, I would like very much to have permission to go back to the warehouse and bring my partner over, where we might spend a little more time looking over the paintings, which I did in a rather hasty manner last time.
Hoping to hear from you, I am,
Very truly yours,
Robert C. Graham