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13 Hamilton St. Braintree, Mass June 21, 1956 Lincoln Warehouse Corp. 1195 Third Avenue New York City, N.Y. Mrs. Stock Dear Mrs. Stock This is to confirm our telephone conversation of to-day. Mr. Robert C. Graham of 1014 Madison Ave., N.Y. will purchase the following pictures in my vault. ✓ "Radiant night" - 94 ✓ "Circle of Washington Square" -91 ✓ "Evening" -45 ✓ "Red Farm at Pochuk" -41 ✓ "Hill of Minisiuk" -NN ✓ "Silk Town on the Passaic" -156 When you deliver them to him he will give you his check made out to me for $1000. Will you kindly mail this check to me at 13 Hamilton St. Braintree, Mass. Mr. Graham will present you with a copy of this letter. Thanking you for your co-operation I am, Very truly yours Robert Bluemner