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13 Hamilton Street Braintree, Mass. July 11, 1956 Dr. Courtland O. Robinson Crystal Medical Clinic 5636 West Broadway Minneapolis, Minn. Dear Dr. Robinson, During a recent visit to New York City I made arrangements with Mr. Robert C. Graham of the Graham Art Galleries to have an exhibition of my father's paintings some time next year. In order for Mr. Graham to give the exhibition the publicity required to make it a success, he would like to have pertinent facts about my father's life and his works. While of course as his son, I can supply much of such information, Mr. Graham, however, feels that the research made by your son Craig, may contain some very valuable points for his catalogue and press announcements. With this in mind, we would very much like to borrow your son's manuscript of my father's art, and with your permission quote or include what we may use. In any such abstracts taken from your son's manuscript, his name and profession will be duly mentioned and the manuscript will be returned to you as soon as possible. Your reply will be greatly appreciated by both myself and Mr. Graham. Very sincerely yours, ROBERT BLUEMNER RB:E