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July 13, 1956 Mr. Robert Bluemner 13 Hamilton Street Braintree, Mass. Dear Mr. Bluemner: I received your letter this morning, and just wanted to let you know that I had a most delightful visit with your wife last Monday morning, and was very pleased with the sketches and water colors which she showed me. I got off to an early start, and had a very pleasant and uneventful drive to Williamstown. I am enclosing a list of the items which I thought would be particularly interesting to include in the exhibition, if you are so inclined. I enjoyed reading the clippings of your father's exhibitions, and particularly his philosophy on art and life. Undoubtedly, your father was a man of strong convictions, but he also had a sense of humor, and he wrote a great deal, I feel, with tongue in cheek. Sincerely ;yours, Robert C. Graham