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The son of an architect, Oscar Bluemner was born in Hanover, Germany during the year of 1867. When he was 18 years old, he gave his first exhibition in Berlin and shortly afterward won medals at the Royal Academy where he was studying painting and architecture. In 1892 an artistic argument with the All Highest , Wilhelm II, caused him to leave Germany suddenly for America. After two difficult years, he began to practice architecture from an office on 42nd Street in New York. Retiring from architecture in 1912, he returned to Germany for a year during which time another exhibition of his work was held in Berlin. Back in New York in 1913, he had a picture included in the Armory Show. In 1915, Alfred Stieglitz gave him his first one-man exhibition in New York at "291". He moved to South Braintree, Massachusetts in 1926 where he lived until his death in 1938/

1885 Berlin : Portraits
1912 Berlin : Landscapes
1913 Armory Show, New York
1915 Stieglitz Gallery, New York : One-Man 
1916 Anderson Gallery, New York : Forum Group
1917 Bourgeois Galley, New York : Exhibited :  
1924 Neumann Gallery, New York : Exhibited : 
1926 Mrs. Liebman's Art Room, New York : 
     One-Man Show
1928 Stieglitz's Intimate Gallery, New York : 
     One-Man Show
1929 Whitney Museum Studio Galley, New York ; 
     One-Man Show
1935 Marie Harriman Galley, New York : 
     One-Man Show
1943 Today's Gallery, Boston : One-Man Show
1946 Whitney Museum : Pioneers of Modern Art 
     in America
1949 Whitney Museum : Juliana Force Memorial 
1957 Graham Gallery, New York
1959 Graham Gallery, New York

Whitney Museum of American Art
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.

[[image]] 21.
Excerpts from a letter by Alfred Stieglitz, courtesy of John Davis Hatch