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Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y.,
December 30, 1969

Mr. James Graham,
Graham Gallery,
1014 Madison Ave.,
New York City

Dear Mr. Graham:
This is to say that I have received the December 9th letter from your gallery, and wish to thank you for your check of $591.67.

However, I would herewith like to call your attention to a few errors contained in the same, regarding the prices, namely:

According to the agreed price-list of June 3, 1967, the price of "Canal at Garrett Mt", #55, is $125, not $150, and likewise the price of "Farm at Ridgefield," #61, is $100, not $66.69.

All prices as agreed upon, are already net-minimum, and no further reductions are in order, as has been supposed in the above-mentioned letter. No doubt you will readily see, therefore, that the correct sum of your recent sale would amount to $600.00.

I thank you very much for your efforts to sell these pictures, but would be very much obliged to have you send the remaining balances of $8.33. 

With best greetings of the season and hoping to hear from you, I remain
Very sincerely yours,
(Mrs.) Vera B. Kouba