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Endorsements continued from E.&M. Book, Vol. 3, page 549, on Comm'n from R.T. Finney April, in regard to check sent to F.M. Whithorn to pay A.G.B. Vandivere etal, for rent etc.:
Atlanta Ga., Oct. 1st 1867.  Respectfully returned, with the information that I forwarded to F.M. Whithorn, addressed to Dalton Ga., July 5th 1867, a check to his order on the Merchant's National Bank of Savannah for rent of storehouse from May 19 to 31, 1867, $6. voucher of Rob't Crawford for services for $6, and voucher of E.K. Wells for rent of $3.33/100, which were certified to by him and forwarded to me recepted.
(Signed) C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. and D.O.

Bt. Maj. dela Mesa S.A. Com'r. L.R. 129. Vol. 3.
Respectfully returned to R.T. Finney Agent etc., through Bt. Maj. C.A. dela Mesa S.A. Com'r, Rome Ga., attention invited to endorsement of C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M & D.O.
By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act'g Ass't Com'r, M.Frank Gallagher Lt. & A.A.A.G.
Office A. Com'r Bureau R.F.&A.L. Atlanta Ga., Oct 2nd 1867.

Endorsement continued from E.&M. Book, Vol. 3, page 377, on Comm'n fro mApril Stark (freedman), relative to wages due his wife by  Prof. Brumby:
Atlanta Ga., Aug. 22nd 1867.  Respectfully forwarded.
(Signed) Fred Mosebach Bt. Maj. & S.A. Com'r.

Atlanta Ga., Sept. 18, 1867.  Respectfully forwarded to Maj. J.R. Lewis Act'g Ass't Com'r, with report of O.B.Gray, Bt. Maj. & A.S.A.C., enclosed.
(Signed) Fred. Mosebach Bt. Maj. & S.A. Com'r.

Bt. Maj. Mosebach S.A. Com'r. L.R. 413, Vol. 3.
Respectfully returned for further investigation.  It is believed, with proper effort, the complainant can prove she worked seven months at $6 per month, and refused, at the time, to work for $4 per month.  This understood that the woman actually worked for Brumby on the journey from Lincolnton, doing all the cooking etc.
By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act'g Ass't Com'r, M.Frank Gallagher Lt. & A.A.A.G.
Office A. Com'r Bureau R.F.&A.L. Atlanta Ga., Oct 2nd 1867.