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Returned them over to me again, you will therefore Investigate the case and report to me, your decisions in the case, you are not required to try the case only to committ or Bind them over to the next Superior Court in your county Respectfully Submitted By
J D Stapleton agent of Bureau R F & A L for Webster County

Simon Livingston
John Statham
H. A. Sims
James Baldwin
Office of agent of Bureau of R. F. & A.L. for Webster County
Preston Ga.
May the 8th 1867

Col. Gaebel S.A.C. at Cuthbart. I have the honor to report to you the procedings in the above case. I had the parties arrested as directed by your order of the 23rd April, and finding that the parties all lived in Marion County, I turned them over to the county court of Marion, and herewith I send you all the procedings had in theis case, the man Simon who was whiped, was Brought before me previous to the time of the whiping - and for his 
violating his contract By leaving his Imployer.

I hung him up by the trunk Eleven minutes only and turned him over to his Imployer after that the Boy Simon left again and he was again Brought before me and I then sentenced him to wear a chain fifteen days and be locked in the house Every Knight, and during the time he was under that sentence, he sweard that they hung him by the neck untill he lost his Breath and then whiped him. The accompanying documents will show you the whole proceeding had before me and the court in Marion County all of 
which is Respectfully Submitted, May the 8th 1867.

There has been considerable amount of cost accrued on the above case; and as the defendents in the case was all acquited, who do we look to for the cost. Information on the above is desired.

I send you two more names of persons coulerd, who is Intirely unable to suport them selves. Drew Lott. & Samuel Reddick the latter about 100 years old.

Very Respectfully &c.
D. Stapleton agt of Bureau R.F. & A.L. for Webster County

N.B. What Shall I do with the Boy Simon who was whiped he is now with my Bailif and says he is afraid to go Back to his Imployer. he fears they will kill him.
Respectfuly &c
J. D S
let me here from you soon

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