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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Office Sub Asst Comr
Thomasville Ga June 27th 1867

Respectfully returned with the information that the contract of Burton & McKenon (G A Burton) was settled by arbitration. The case was brought to my office while I was sick, when I returned to the office I investigated the case & became so disgusted with the unfairness of Burton that I proposed to arbitrate as he had more than half the time charged as lost. And facts showed that it was lost to the farm - but Burton ran a sawmill & would take them out of the farm & work them at the mill & charge it as lost time. James L. Seward was chosen by the Freedmen & Mr. Finn by Burton. Mr Finn became disgusted after deciding on the lost time & left Mr. Seward to settle by the Contract & he awarded the amount specified. After the award was given Burton told Col Seward to make the Amt as he (Burton) had nothing. On being notified, I issued an order to the Sheriff to Levy on the property of Burton & McKenon, Burton then came forward and paid a part, and gave his note with security - for the balance. I enclose Col. Sewards statement. The evidence was not taken down. 

W. F. White
Capt V.R.C. Sub Asst Com'r

B 14 E & M


BF & file

[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F & A.L OFFICE ASS'T. COMM'R. REC'D JUN 30 67 GEORGIA [[/stamp]]

Transcription Notes:
Only use "+" for math. Use "&" instead.