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Thomasville Ga
May 20th 1867


Maj General Pope,

Dear Sir,

I have the honor of addressing you a few lines to give you a short but explicit statement of a settlement which was made on the 10th inst. between some freedmen and me, for last years work I contracted for starting wages, furnishing rations &c. also stating that all lost time would be kept an account of and be deducted from their wages before they were paid, and the contract was approved by Capt. Richardson, the then Bureau Agt. But when I went up for a settlement, Capt. White - the present Agt. [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] called for all my accounts, which I presented, and after appraisal of these, he made no deductions for lost time at all, and after deducting a few small store accounts from the amount specified in the contract, told me that I should pay the balance. I asked if the contract did not bind both parties, he said it made no difference what the contract said but I should settle as he had said. I did so as far as my funds went and gave my Note payable two months after date for the balance. In regard to lost time one of the freedmen lost two months at one time. He became dissatisfied and told me in presence of witnesses that he would quit and allow me $10.00 per month for the time he lost: which I agreed to very readily as there 

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