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that it is right if I have the papers Recorded which I intend to do in the Office of the Superior Court Clerk" Rakestraw observed "to go ahead, he would not interfere and he never would have any thing to do with the Yankee orders" This is about as correct a statement as I can give of the matter. If I have done wrong I am sorry for it, I did not do wrong intentionally. I would to God that all the colored children in this county were as well provided for as these three little girls, kindly treated well fed and well clothed. I see them every day and Mrs. Spence would not part them if she could possibly avoided it. But if we have done wrong we are willing to be set right, but not by Rakestraw. He says he has been told that I wrote to Gen Tillson that he refused to bind them  I never wrote to Gen Tillson any thing about it nor he never heard any body say so. This is a falsehood of his own make

In answer to the latter part of his letter I can say it is false "Mr Claiborne I know but very little about" But very few honest high minded men will allow such a Sneak to form an acquaintance with them "he is a Refugee to this county during the war" I was in the rear of the Army while at Chicamawga and our own people were using me up and I moved down here nearly four years ago and have been living here ever since.

"Clan, care but little for the well fair-fare of the freedmen, it is what little pay he can make off of them" I never have made a cent off of one of them since I have been an Agent.