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and without the aid of the Gov, & the Charitably disposed there will be a great amount of Suffering even a mongst this class.

The former class of destitutes that I refered to that are still drawing from the Gov, are the Aged & Infirm & the Cripples & those that are not able to help themselves or that have no Labor in the family. I would here State as my humble Opinion that if aided for a couple of months to come (as the crops look cheering) there would be very few Cases of extreme destitution in this Section of Country & then the State or County Should be compelled to take Care of these. there is one case of Suffering here for which I would ask Special Instructions it is that of a blind Woman (White) I thought She Should be Sent to the State Institute for the blind & was not Intitled to receive Gov, Aid although I have Issued to her in order to Sustain life until I receive Instructions how to act, the Civil Authorities in this Case neglect to do their duty
from the most reliable Information I have at my command the Numbers of destitutes in Chattooga County is about Two Hundred 200 one half of them are persons of Color that are cultivating the Land on Shares & cannot raise Supplies by giving liens on their crops

This County has about Two Hundred and fifty destitutes of which about One third of them are persons of Color they are Situated precisely like the colored people in the former County