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1160 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10029
(212) 831-2520

July 22, 1976

Dear Tibor, - 
Nell Blaine has suggested I invite you to see a selection of her paintings which I have gathered together for private and informal viewings by appointment. This selection contains both earlier works from the fifties, several superb watercolors and drawings, plus a larger group of paintings from 1972-1976, including a number of better known still lives, interiors, and landscapes of Gloucester and New York. Among these are "Yellow Chairs," recently reproduce in color in Art News, Summer Issue, with an enthusiastic review by Patricia Mainardi and "Gloucester Night Still Life," featured in April Poindexter exhibition.
In the June issue of ARTS, Martica Sawin wrote: "Nell Blaine's recent paintings (shown at the Poindexter Gallery in April and May) reaffirm what had become increasingly apparent win her last exhibitions, that she is one of the most exciting and masterful colorists that American painting has seen."
As you may know, Nell Blaine has recently had the double honor of a Guggenheim Fellowship (1974) and a National Endowment Grant (1975).
For an appointment, please phone me between nine and eleven o' clock mornings (212) 831-2520, and I will be delighted to show you the work Mondays - Fridays, through August 6th.
This new location is an addition to the regular gallery which is closed for the summer.

Sincerely yours,
Elinor Poindexter
Elinor Poindexter