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where I was for four weeks. They operated on the foot and saved it but I was quite seriously ill. Meantime I had to move from the house on Parker St. as it had been re-rented. 

My sister took charge of the moving and with the help of her cleaning woman, the movers and friends, they packed and moved all my stuff. I left the hospital on October 12th - to go into the new place with nothing unpacked and feeling very weak, a nurse's Home Aide assistance was provided for me by Medicare for two weeks and she was a great help. I am now practically all settled, and feeling stronger every day, although under a strict regime of physical care and diet. 

Your picture made the move successly, but all of the packing, except two cardboards, seems to have been thrown out. However, I have other packing material, and will wrap and pack it as best I know how, and try to get it off to you next week, or before the Christmas Mailing rush begins. 

I'm so sorry for this delay and hope you will understand how it has been. 

Again thanking you for lending us the picture, and hoping it reaches you safely-


Vera Andrus

New address:
6 Pleasant St.
Rockport, Mass. 06966