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June 23, 1981

Dear Nell

We hope to move at the end of next week. There has been alittle hold up; the plumber has a bad back and hasn't been able to hook everything up. I'll send you a photo when I get somw good ones developed.

I delivered "Blue Cloth" to Ingber. In a week or so you should get a receipt in the mail from them. I also picked up the drawingfrom Heresies. The following are my hours for the last week you were here.

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

|june 10 wed. | 1.00-2.30 | 1½ |
|   | 6.30-11.30 | 5 |   
| june 11 thurs. | 9.30-11.30 | 2 |
| june 12 fri. | 9.00-1.30 | 5½ |
| Ingber |   | 1 |
| Heresies |   | 1 |
|   |   | 15 |

[[right margin]] $75.00
Pd my Bk ck
July 1, 81 | [[/right margin]]

So thetotal you owe me is $75.00. Why not send it to the old address, (150 West 82nd st. #8E). After the end of next week, my address will be: 206 7th st. Brooklyn, N.Y. 01215. 

[[right margin]] 11215 [[/right margin]] 

The post office is supposed to be abit unreliable; if you get anything sent back to you, let me know. I will send you my new phone number as soon as I get it.

Love David

p.s. Please excuse the formality. I'm just trying to practice my typing! My regards to Carolyn and Jestina (and of course Nina!). Hows the garden?