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garden was by-passed by the rabbits. I don't have the little creatures in Wellesley so I actually was not familiar with their appetites. But now I am! The first little garden I planted here was a circle of marigolds. I felt it was a safe choice because of their pungent odor. But the next day, most of the plants had been beheaded, and some chomped. Off right to the ground! So now there is a rabbit fence. I wonder if blood meal works? Old mirrors and shiny objects are supposed to send the hoppers elsewhere. But in a new house, I don't have old mirrors! I sorta miss my assortment of junk. The raised bed, is going to be a must for several reasons. The clay soil is about like concrete to dig in. The first day I got two mammoth blisters, one on each hand - and that was the end of the planting! My poor herbs are still in tiny pots on the deck. Of course, a raised garden will make it easy for the deer to feast - just like a table! And they love tomatoes. They are really doing a lot of damage to my brother's large garden in Md. He's tried almost everything, spraying with Tobasco, tying old shoes on peach limbs, a cannon