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Terrain Gallery

GAY ( F-gai, OHG wahi, good or beautiful)--Webster's Unabr. Dict. 2nd Edit.

Belinda smiled, and all the world was gay.--Pope
Gay hope is theirs by fancy fed. --Gray


ART AS GAIETY: Questions asked by Eli Siegel in discussion with students including artists participating in exhibition on 10/16/61.

Dorothy Koppleman WA 4-4984

1. In any adequate response to a work of art is there something within it which can be called gaiety?

2. Can form be given to any happening or situation in reality, however miserable or personally unbearable or not likeable? [[strikethrough]] and if so, [[/strikethrough]] 

3. If form is given and felt does the giving itself make for gaiety and does the providing of the form make for gaiety?
Does the feeling of form, or apprehending of form make for more gaiety?


In doing the work was there gaiety in yourself?

In the form, was gaiety there?

In the response, was gaiety there?


Is gaiety implicit in reality itself ...or is it a defiance of reality?

Two things can make a child gay: to see a balloon, rotund, going around in the air; to see it bust.

Every kind of gaiety has in it the profundity of what gaiety is most obviously.

Customarily unbearable subjects can be given a solution through art in a formal sense. What does this mean? What is its relation to gaiety?

Is there any pair of opposites whatsoever that can't make for gaiety?

Wherever space takes over where matter was, there is gaiety.

The failure of the puffed up and gloomy ego is the success of art.

Why are design and composition technical equivalents to gaiety?