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44 Harvard Avenue
Brookline, Masschusetts

Lived in Italy as a child.
1903 -- England, Scotland; carraige trip through Dolomite Mountains.
1905 -- Italy - mountain climbing; also collecting butterflies.
1907 -- Lived at Courmalper, Italy -- also collecting butterflies.
1931 -- Syria ruins of Baalbec. Haifa (guest of Shaghi Effendi), ruins of Mezhedd, Pilgrimage to Holy Land.  In the Persian Colony at foot of Mr. Carmel, guest of [[strikethrough]] Abdul-Baha [[/strikethrough]] Shoghi Effendi. For a month remained in Pilgrim House, attending conferences, etc, of the Faith of Baha-u-Llan.
1940 -- [[strikethrough]] Mexico during summer. [[/strikethrough]]

* Commayer -

Since - one trip camping [[strikethrough]] near [[/strikethrough]] at the side of Mt. Katadin, southern Maine in october -

Trip by buss to Boise Ida - over Rocky mountains-
Salt Lake City on the way-

Drives in the Boise mountains - on mountain roads -