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Dublin September 10th 1917

Dearest beloved Harold -

Now that you have left me again I feel so lonely for you - I can't see how I agreed to stay away from you another week -

This is a marvelous sunny day, and everything is going beautifully, but I miss you so much, my darling that it makes me really weep to think of you so far away -  You are a perfect dear to let me stay, and if I can stand being away from you it will do me lots of good. I don't suppose that you will ever know how good and how wonderful I think you are - but really, Harold dear - I love

[[right margin]] you beyond all words - I am going to write often this week - it will be a longer time than last week - And so lonely!  This day is glorious, and this afternoon I am going upon the car with Henry and papa [[/right margin]]

[[left margin]] to say goodby to Gerry and Louise.  Endless endless love, dear heart - If you were here I would put my arms about you and kiss and kiss the love I cannot tell in words - 
Your Nannie [[/left margin]]