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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 25th 1868 #167 | Mississippi H. R. Pease. Supt of Schools l enclo To Mr Alvord | Vicksburg. May 17th 1868, Submits report of education for April 1868. |

| May 25th 1868 #168 | McConnell Wm. L. Ret'd. E.B. p 439. Vol 4. | Resseler Ind. May 19th 1868. States that in 1861 the two brother-in law of Robt. Grim of that state were driven out by the rebels - they were the owners of three valuable sawmills two of which they sold for $500.- being at the time compelled to leave the state. (Ga.) within 24 hours. It is now desired to know in behalf of their heirs if there any law by which these Mills can be recovered or the purchasers thereof be compelled to pay a fair price for the same. |

| May 25th 1868, #169 | Mississippi A. C. Gillem Genl. May 28th Returned with letter of revocation enclosed as requested. | Vicksburg May 20th 1868. Forwards letter of Lieut George Heller S.A.C. at Natchez requesting that the appointment of Edmond Doucet be revoked for drunkeness &c & that some one appointed in his place. With recommendation that the appt. be revoked to date May 4th 1868. A soldier will be detailed to fill his place. |

| May 26th 1868 #170 | Maryland Horace Brooks Asst Comr May 27th Returned. Necessary expenses of the kind referred to may be paid. | Baltimore Md May 25th 68 Inquiring if in cases where an appeal is made to U.S. Courts in regard to cases of apprenticeship, the expenses are to be paid from Bureau funds. |

| May 26th 1868 #171 | Mississippi A. C. Gillem. Genl. 4 enclo file | Vicksburg May 21st 1868. Submits the following reports, Report changes in Officers, Agents & clerks for month of April 1868. |

| June 1st 1868, #172 | Maryland H. Brooks Genl. 2 enclo June 2d Referred the recommendations herein contained are approved. | Baltimore May 29th 1868. Encloses papers in the case of Eleanor Garrett (col'd) who is illegal apprenticed to Mr. Hammond of Howard County, Md. prior to the decision of Judge Chase on this subject. The parents of this child are both dead & Mr. H- is willing to give up the child if desired, but requests that she may be again bound to him under the same indenture as white children. The child is well treated and desires to stay with Mr. H. It is therefore recommended that his request be granted, and the same course pursued in similar cases, as it will be better while in the power of the Bureau to bind as many of the orphans in this manner as possible. the County courts will undoubtedly again bind all orphans when the Bureau is withdrawn &c. A decision and the return of these papers is requested. |

| May 29th 1868. #173 * | Maryland H. Brooks. Genl. file. see S.O. 69. May 29th 1868. | Baltimore May 28th 1868. Requests an order to proceed to Wilmington Del. via McComus Institute near Magnolia. |

| June 2nd 1868. #174 | Maryland H. Brooks Genl. Returned EB. p 452 Vol 4. | Baltimore. May 29th 1868. Forwards letter of Miss H. E. Fletcher of Elkton, Md. stating that there is a misunderstanding between the Church & School Trustees, the former say they have the right to debar persons from using the school room without their consent. desires information upon this point. With inquiry has the Bu. any power to compel recognition of the school Trustees rights  The Material was furnished without proper deed, & the building, (on solid foundation,) is a part of the property, the church trustees refuse to surrender their control. Bu. Solicitor says that their is no power under state laws. As there are similar cases it is important that this should be decided. |

Transcription Notes:
There were multiple words in this document that could be made out via the initial review of the document.