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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 9th 1868. #301. | Adjt. Genl's Office. T. M. Vincent. A.A.G. See L. B. Vol 4. July 9th 1868. to Gen'l V. Referred to W.P. Drew. E.B. p. 510. Vol 4. | Washington July 7th 1868. Asks that applications for information concerning Officers and men of colored troops be signed by the Com'r, or the Act'g Com'r, also that each application be made explicit as to exact information desired and the object for which it is designed to be used. Suggests that unanswered applications of date June 15th, 17th, 19th and 25th, signed by W.P. Drew. Agent be modified in accordance with the request. |

| July 10th 1868. #302. | Adjt. Genl's Office. T.M. Vincent. A.A G. July 11th Retd to Chas Haugher. Agent. through the Asst. Comr of Texas. | Washington July 8th 1868. Referred letter of Charles Haugher. S.A.C. at Waco, Texas, who inquires concerning the back pay & bounty due Harmon N. Tankirsley. (white) late of the 1st La. col'd. Scouts. With remark. No attention will be given to applications of this character unless forwarded through the Head Quarters of the Freedmen's Bureau in this city. |

| July 7th 1868. #303. * | Ambrose M. J. W. Dr. See P.L. B. Vol 5. July 7th 1868. file. | Cincinnati, Ohio. July 4th 1868. Asks employment in the Bureau as Agent. |

| July 10th 1868. #304 | Adjt. Genl's Office. E. D. Townsend A. W. G. July 11th Returned E. B. p 515, Vol 4. | Washington July 7th 1868. Refers for report letter of Hon P. Van Trump requesting information from War Dept. to be used in considering the Deficiency appropriation Bill. |

| July 13th 1868. #305. | Arkansas C. H. Smith Gen'l. July 14th Returned. The Comr can see no objection to the arrangement proposed. | Little Rock, July 6th 1868. States that Henry Page Disbursing Officer &c is also State Treasurer, and recommends that no change be made as he is an officer of tried ability &c |

| July 13th 1868. #306. | Arkansas C. H. Smith. Genl. 2 papers. July 13th Returned with letters of revocation enclosed as requested. | Little Rock. July 6th 1868. Recommends that the appointment of E. O. Chapman clerk be revoked to date March 31st 1868, and that of M J Boyles clerk to date June 20th 1868. |

| July 13th 1868 #307. | Adjt Genl's Office T. M. Vincent A.A.G. 1 enclo July 13th Referred to A. C. of Miss who will deliver the papers to the proper person | Washington July 10th 1868. Furnishes discharge for Private Benj. Douglass 63d U.S. CT. who was on detached service at Davis Bend, Miss., and never received any discharge papers, at the time of the muster out of his company. |

| July 14th 1868, #308. | Adn Colonization Society. Wm Coppinger. Cor' Sec'y. See S 328. Enclosed with S. 328. Vol 13. | Washington July 13th 1868 Replied to letter of Mr Swope and states that their charges in 1857, 8, 9, & 1860 for passage of adult colored people to Liberia was $35, for 6 month support shelter and medicines medical attendance after landing was $35. each, making $70. Children bet 12 & 2 years were charged half of these rates. Where 2 months support &c was required the entire charge for adults was $105. and for children $52.50 |