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Daniel is trying to finish his Red sails in time to join me on the architecture tour of Japan. He is racing against time.
I'm plugging along on the Frankfurt project and am half way but it [[?]] has a postponed delivery due to building delays. 

I saw the n.y. times article on Jack's (Lenor Larsen) show and I saw the reprint of AFF (I liked the cover photo of the pale blue-gray rug design: The rest doesn't fly very high,). as Enrique would say 

You, no doubt, agree. The report from those who saw the show say it is eclectic, uneven and presented [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] on vulgar black background. But, that J.L.L. does have alot of friends! More shows: Jasper Johns show just opened at Beaubourg - and Cezanne show is at the Tulleries 
paris is blessed This spring.

I am eager to talk with you about a few things, and, of course, our Berkley boon docks "to do".... I will try and place the fiber progress in post modernism' as best I can 

You will achieve that with your samples. How are your slides? 

What should I bring Judith from Paris that she would most like... give me some clues, please.
Love, as always,

[[left margin]] How come no Connie dispatches? Where are you? Do you know the old song MOVING DAY? [[/left margin]]