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July 1, 1976

Mme. Sheila Hicks
Ateliers des Grands Augustins
30 rue Dauphine
75006 Paris

Dear Sheila:

I have tried to reach you by telephone but no luck. Maybe I will try again over the weekend. In the meantime let me cover a few items. The bill to Stan Smith has gone off and for your record the total amount due is $1963.79. I have asked Stan to make out the check to Sheila Hicks.

With regard to the disc, Mr. Breiner at Keating has the copy of the bill and your declaration and I don't imagine we will have any difficulty. All I need to know is when will you ship and how?

The check from Mr. Wolgin has not arrived as of this date. What to do?

I don't particularly fancy your going to Jacksonville, Florida for a workshop presentation unless you are planning or would like to be in the US in May 1977 and can get them to foot the bill, so I would certainly ask an honorarium plus your travel expenses. The honorarium, on the other hand, has to be gauged by the number of days they want you to spend in Jacksonville (not my favorite town). A slide presentation, after all, simply is one day. A workshop will take several days. Why don't you throw these questions out and when they answer you can then state what your fees would be. I am returning the letter to you.