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[[left margin]] P.S. Is it you or Barbie Papa [[/left margin]] STATION, MELTON MOWBRAY, TELEGRAMS, LITTLE DALBY, TELEPHONE 3 SOMERBY. March 14 DALBY HALL, MELTON MOWBRAY. Dearest Flora, It seems horrid [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] not to be going to see you again & to be leaving you on the other side of the big Atlantic Ocean. But it is really the best plan & you would only be going to school hard at home, and Paris is lovely in the last part of April. We have all missed you a lot here. Barbie has a fine time. About every other morning she comes to my bathroom while I am taking my bath & I know she wants to work me for some idea or other. Sometimes I get notes like the enclosed. She gets