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April 7.
To His Excellency Gov Paine
My Dear Sir. Some days ago I received the following lines from H K Brown Esqr. which determined me to write directly to you and express my hearty thanks to yourself and the young Gentlemen who wish to honour Mr Clay with a statue  and me with its execution. (Mr Browns letter ommitted) The young Gentlemen wish to know for what sum I would undertake such a work and after duly considering the subject I have come to the conclusion that I could not do it for less than six thousand dollars for I should have to go to the United States for the likeness of Mr Clay, and of course my travelling expenses would be considerable. I dare say that I might obtain busts and portraits of him without going home but unless I make the likeness myself I could not be responsible for its accuracy. I feel most grateful to these Gentlemen for their partiality towards me who am a native of Vermont and I beg you to assure them of it and tho' long absent from my birth place I still remember with strong affection its green hills and dear streams among which my happiest days have passed, and that I could work with more satisfaction for the Capitol of Vermont than for any other place in the world.

I am sorry to speak of money at all in this letter and if I could do so, a 

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