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[[left margin]] 1845
Novr 4 [[/left margin]]
Lady Coote/ Mr Charles Coote
Lady Coote, I beg to assure Lady Coote that I have not forgotten her kind visit to my studio in April last and that I am certainly obliged to her for the honor of her letter of May 21st/45 which I would have answered sooner but for my difficulty of stating June only the time at which I may be able to have a duplicate of my Slave done for Mr Charles Coote. I think now that I may venture to promise a copy as good in all respects as the one for Mr Grant to be finished within eighteen months from this date, the work requires a full year to create and my  greatest difficulty is in procuring ample assistance in the marble, for I employ only the very best workmen and there are not many of such to be made. I am most grateful to Lady Coote for recommending my Slave to her Charles and she may rely on my best endeavours to please him - Fortunately I have a beautiful piece of marble already for the work and I can at last begin it soon after receiving her further commands. Her Ladyships Obdt servt

[[left margin]] 1811 7. March 29th [[/left margin]]
My Dear Sir, I am happy to state that [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] the marble used for the statue of The Slave now  in progress of execution for you, proves all that could be wished. No spots have yet appeared and there is no reason now for doubting that from head to foot [[strikethrough]] no blemish [[/strikethrough]] the marble will be faultless. The work is now far