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Not I desired to be released. I send your request in all kindness as you will perceive by referring to my reply to it, and I have since had in view the one object big- how I could accomplish your wishes -- with these honorable motives in my mind you may imagine the most ((?)) and pain with which I send your letter of the 1st inst secured yesterday morning. The only part of the letter which gave me real pleasure and some consolation was the conclusion which induced me to think that after all you did not believe that I meant to wrong you. After this if it shall still be your wish to be repaid immediately instead of allowing the arrangements I have made to be your natural course you have only to say so and I promise that the money with interest upon it shall be in the hands of your bankers by return of mail. By that time I shall have a credit in London for more than enough to pay you and I sincerely hope that no motives of delicacy may prevent your availing yourself of it if such shall be your wish. I have not many works in except busts in my studio. I say
See above sent Nov 4