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(I can see to read this writing ten or twelve feet off---)

I can't say that these affairs have impaired my sight for any pursuit yet

I can see as fine things as ever excepting when the large cluster is in the way and even then up close (oo, say two feet) with tolerable accuracy.

August 13th 1824

eye open at the sky thus [[image]] to thus [[image]]

two clusters connected most tangeable on steady one is in a clear sky eye wide open generally about an inch dia the other is as large, but not so dense or compact (except in one place [[merely?]] [[shiny?]]  When the color is dirty yellow about that of [[strikethrough]]bright[[/strikethrough]] dull brass--

The left eye has masses apparently connected as large as the right but the largest scarcely if at all appear except by [[strikethrough]]partly[[/strikethrough]] nearly closing the eye  they are very transparent seeming to be connected globes in rather a perpendicular position

See enough of them on my nose very small tho  [[image]] may be larger