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Sept. 28-

Dear Mr Dove

I am just back from Penna - & find your letter which I hasten to answer.  You will remember that I promised to send you the $100.00 we owe you over & above the monthly checks for $50.00 any time when it was not needed.  What you tell me about the storage bill makes me feel that a check would be timely & I send it hear with.  Incidentally what you tell me about the pictures in storage makes me wonder whether you couldn't make a selection of the best for an exhibition in our Gallery.  Or even whether you would care to have us store them for you and make our own choice for an exhibition.  We would of course pay the transportation provided there are not too may paintings and that they are already adequately framed.  We could hardly afford the expense of making new frames for them just for the sale of the exhibitor's as we start the year practically with out funds and will have to charge admission this year if we hope to open at all.  When you say your best paintings of the past are in the Gallery I wonder whether that means Slieghty,s place.  I have always wanted to have a retrospective Dove exhibition but of course I want your best things from the earlier periods.  If you think well of the idea could you send me down a selection of a few good things