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Aug.4. A did painting of Timmy (dog) running with puppies.

Think it was later called "Running Dogs x

Aug.6. A painted on big "Silver Ball"x

Aug.11. A painting on big Abstraction

Aug.19. A on swell boat thing

Aug.21. A painting new "Sunrise x in Northport"

Aug.30. A painting on "Negro on Barg" x

Sept.3. A started painting  Van Wycks "Water Tank x

Sept.4. A painted on "Water Tanks"


Sept.10. A painting on "Big Silver Tanks"

Sept.11. A painting on, larger ones of big "Silver Tanks & Ball"

Sept 12. A painted "Image x"

Sept 16. A painted on a green & green yellow one.

*Sept.21. Arthur working & writing on the idea of each thing's having it's own condition of light.

Oct.27. Arthur traded Al a piece of rope for a bureau.  for yacht Club bed room.

Nov.5. A painted on "Tanks - Silver"