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After painting objects with - those color motives for some time, I began to feel the same idea existing in form. That had evidently been known by the Greeks as in going over Conic sections again with this in mind I found they were called "Maenechmian Triads." Maenechmus was an early Greek sculptor and invented these triads. This choice of form motives of course took the paintings away from representation in the ordinary sense. Then one day I made a drawing of a hill side. The wind was blowing. I chose three forms from the planes on the sides of the tree [[right margin]] which expressed their character and movement in the wind [[/right margin]] and three colors and black and white. I made a rythmic painting of what I felt was the spirit of that whole thing. [[strikethrough]] The forms were chosen from the planes on the sides of the trees which expressed their character and movement in the wind.[[/strikethrough]] The colors were chosen to express the substances of those objects and the sky. There was the earth color, the green of the trees, and the cyan