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Later the choice of form motive was reduced from the plane to the [[strikethrough]] le [[/strikethrough]] line. That happened one day in trying to draw a waterfall. The line was the only thing that had speed enough.

"The Cow" 1911 is an example of the line motive freed still further..

The line at first followed the edges of planes, or was drawn over thee surface, and was used to express actual size, as that gave a sense of dimension, later it was used in and through objects and ideas as force lines, growth lines, with its accompanying color condition.

Feeling that the "first flash" of an idea gives its move vivid sensation, I am at present in some of the paintings (See "Distraction" 1929) here reproduced) trying to put down the spirit of the idea as it comes [[strikethrough]] o [[/strikethrough]] out. To sense the "pitch" of an idea as one would a bell.

It is the form that the idea takes in the imagination rather than the form as it exists outside.

This is no rule, nor method, but leaves the imagination free to work in all directions with all dimentions that [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] are or may have been realized.