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One way or another, they should create a relationship a kind of dialogue. The onlooker judges by the painting: that's an idea I rather like. And as a matter of fact, I saw people being embarrassed and disturbed in front of them. I remember when I was a little girl I read a quotation from Confucius. 
What was it?
"Always behave as if ten people were watching you!"
That's exactly how I feel now. As if all these heads wanted my head. It's interesting that you paint groups of faces, not just one. So many faces simply presenting themselves.
They are twice, removed from "reality". Their meaning hidden like the letter in Poe's Purloined Letter. With economy of means. Somebody said that you have to do away with sham in order to create illusion.
Are faces really part of essence? For me they're mask, persona. And where does the face begin? Because you've got your head, the brain, and then the outside, and your face, what is it: the thin, transparent shield between?
Remember we discussed last night the futility and