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"our" son Jim comes to me "between the days Galen is in N.Y./I did force him to telefone me if he wants to come. He is not invited, he has to invite himself. He is extremely fat and happy, he oversleeps even the disturbing full moon and while he tries to modulate his life, to change his life style, on the way I hope, he will create some good things. He feels he loves you better now! Teddy plays house and works well, he seems to be suffering for Madeline, who goes through bouts of sicknesses The doctors can not find anything, I hope, that will remain the case but the bewilderment of being very sick (many tests) without being sick is nearly worse than anything...

Some- body (a friend) wants to write about me, he lectured already about me and I was so angry, that I refused to discuss it. The worst is, that people now come and pronounce me "greater "than Paulus (always competition) So i have to fight!! The fools! Ah [[strikethrough]] you [[/strikethrough]], Esalem is supposed to be an Indian burial ground and that was the reason why I threw a bit of his ashes (in a little box) down from the cliff onto the water, foaming between rocks... "Homeric" landscape thrown into the timelessness where things become real

you are so close in this timelessness

please do destroy this "letter"