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New World Hotel
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July 12, 1985

Dear Jack,

Your letter arrived and I do hope I didn’t sound too grouchy when I wrote. You know you’re my favorite in the world & deep down you can never do wrong.

My news is after 7 yrs. of apt. dwelling I finally found a house & moved 5 days later. To me it is really wonderful. It is a big old “Raised Cottage” Western style and reminds me of New Orleans. I just couldn’t be happier and can’t wait for you to come.

later in Bangkok. July 16, 1985

Of course I’m trying to do everything in one day and that makes me & everyone around crazy. I’ve decided to close the house in Pattaya as well. So far I’ve brought 4 moving trucks of plants & 11 students from the agricultural college for the weekend to plant. Its a sad time as many beautiful big plants are sitting in hot burning sun trying to get over the shock of moving. Bill Warren says they’ll recover & I pray he’s right. the garden is 1/2 acre and it’s no problem to get potting soil etc. sent by truck loads. Jim Bastable moves to San Francisco end of August & I’ve got his jungle of plants as well.

22 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone 3-694111 Telex: 35860 NWHTL HX Cable: NWHOTEL

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