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a comprehensive interview with James Wines. Much of it is reminiscent of objectives which we at Bezatel have been struggling to refine and to scratch out of the rough and [[strikethrough]] arid earth of Jerusalem. Please let me know more about them. If it is as lively as Wines suggests I shall attempt to overcome my previous floundered contacts with them or did I burn all boats and bridges by my presumptuous suggestion the last time around. 

The Summertime Jalust to the Biennale in Lausanne, the paper exhibition and the Treasures of Islam exhibit in Geneva were worthwhile.  We managed the theatre festival at Avignon where we enthusiastically suffered Peter Brooks nine hour Mahabarata - magic-show. The spectacle of his theatrical wizardry compensated most adequately for the discomfort of my inadequate French, the discomfort of the bench seating and the dusk to dawn as a willing captive in the dusty transformed quarry. It was exciting seeing Mallika Sarabhai playing her part. The costumes produced in Ahmedabad were splendid - in fact it was all splendid and you will enjoy it in New York in greater comfort. We wandered through the Val de Loire. Churches, Cathedrals, and Chateaux. Wine Cheese and Cherries on our way to Paris where we spent too much and managed too little.