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Hydra, 11 August 88

Dear Jack,
last night Paul and I ate our first dinner with your superb new place mats. What a joy! Infinitely back rectangles on a clear glass table top elicited unexpected brilliance from white Spanish porcelain plates and their cerulean and gilt borders. Humble steel flatware shone like ancient sterling. We entered a new realm of clarity and elegance, and we praised Jack.

Summer has been idyllic and houseguests, entertaining. Now we are indulging in a far niente sweeter for the duty done. The Kellers, who kindly brought your gift, seem precariously all right. We wish you would reappear to share the balm. 

Fondest thoughts from

Dear Jack, since I forgot to bring Sayzie's address, would you mail her the enclosed? Plural thanks! EK.

In the future I shall try not to admire mats at your house, but this once I'm glad I did. Best Paul