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Advent 1989

Jack - Your visit remains in my view as a gladsome occasion. Your mandrops are planted and sprouted - already bringing cheer on the bright below zero morning. Such a strong wind I feel it in the house and am hugging the fire. Heartfelt thanks for all you lovely gifts which are visible reminders of your Love and friendship. Thank you for sharing our last Thanksgiving at mansion Farar. The years have been good here. And I expect your years in Cambridge, also. Because of our monastery I feel it to be a homecoming for me. I long to be a part of Holy Orthodoxy again. Anglican worship can be beautiful-but it is too sterile for my Russian soul.

I think of you and Peter as you move. May it go well with you. I have so many fond memories of Round House. I feel a bit sad - but anticipate the joys of Long House. Moving forces you to take stock of yourself - not only your possessions. I find it a kind of catharsis - already!

Have a Blessed Advent -
Love and Thanks, Nadya