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SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART NEW YORK AREA CENTER 41 EAST 65th STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021 (212)826-5722 March 5, 19881 Jack Lenor Larsen 41 East 11 Street New York, N.Y. Dear Jack: Thank you for the marvelous lunch yesterday. I enjoyed our visit and the chance to see your splendid loft. [[left margin]] YES [[/left margin]] We are delighted that you are willing to deposit your papers with the Archives of American Art. I gather that you feel some of the material could be transferred in the near future. When you are ready, please call me and we can make the necessary arrangements. As Bill suggested, you might also consider adding a codicil to your will so that the complete Jack Lenor Larsen Papers will ultimately be cared for by the Archives. The enclosed brochure lists the sort of material your should consider including. If you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them. I shall look forward to hearing from you. With best regards, Sincerely, Bill McNaught William McNaught New York Area Director [[stamp]] MAR -9 1981 [[/stamp]]