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Staying Power
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Another case of value are our Swazi draperies. (They do tend to elongate, and there are special workroom practices that must be used. We will soon be reminding you of exactly what these are as we expand our Swaziland promotion. Our giant stage curtain for Wolf Trap Theatre outside Washington, so spectacularly beautiful that it will be re-woven for the new theatre that is going up out of the ashes. This curtain had to remain out of doors year round through all the rigors of Washington's steamy, damp climate -- this for nine years.

My own experience is similar. When Roundhouse was new in the mid-sixties, I installed a brilliant amber colored Swazi casement in the guest house. Recently, when moving it to the main house I needed one more pair of panels. Sure enough, the bolt the original had been cut from was still in the warehouse. They are hanging now, and I cannot tell which have been hanging in the sun, unlined, all these years, and which were carefully protected. That is a success story, and there are others. Edward Benesch, our good New York client, has had the same white Swazi casement hanging for over twenty years. After each Fall cleaning it looks as "new" as his freshly bathed terrace.

November 23, 1982

(refer to Fabrics For Interiors)