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January CONTRACT/designer profile/2 of 8 crosscurrent that mingles tribal traditions, landscape art, pre-war design, primitive as well as classical culture, and architecture. A scholar as well as a [[strikethrough]] businessman [[/strikethrough]] entrepreneur, Larsen has six books to his credit, the latest titled, Interlacing: The Elemental Fabric, to be published this month. Trained in architecture with a Master of Fine Arts degree from Cranbrook Academy of Art, Mich., Larsen has had several affiliations with prestigious institutions (worldwide museums, architectural leagues, design associations, universities, and crafts councils). Never operating solely in the present, Larsen makes his business travels, firm management, curatorship, prolific book-writing and lecturing all opportunities to express his belief in a design continuum. Applying modern production techniques that give designers the ability to experiment with a rich legacy of craft and recreate traditional arts with new breadth and richness, Larsen believes that there is always new discovery to be found in the past. He takes great pleasure in the firm's commissions that relate to the work of various design periods, among them, the recent project for Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer, the design firm currently renovating 17 major spaces atop the RCA building, New York City, "To [[strikethrough]] restore [[/strikethrough]] reinvent it -more-