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[[image]] Château Dufresne Pie X & Sherbrooke Est Musée de Arts Décoratifs de Montréal C.P. 12000, Succursale A Montréal (Québec) H3C 3P3 Livraison: 2829, rue Jeanne-d'Arc Montreal (Quebec) H1W 3W2 Tel: (514) 259-2575 Fax: (514) 284-0123 March 5, 1992. Mr. Jack Lenor Larsen Larsen Design Studio 41 East 11th Street New York, New York 10003-4685 Dear Jack: Further to our telephone conversation on Wednesday evening, March 4, I am forwarding the information you requested. According to our files we sent you the same material on December 11, 1991 and do not understand why it never arrived. We are most eager to have a contribution in our catalogue from someone of your calibre and reputation in the international textile scene. Should you require any further documentation, please do not hesitate to call. I would be pleased to visit with you in New York. Best regards, Jean-Michel Jean-Michel Tuchscherer Guest Curator