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bezalei academy of arts and design jerusalem
mount scopus p.o. box 24046
jerusalem 91240 israel

*the arthur goldreich trust
for the advancement of art, design
and architecture
telephone 972-2-5893258 fax 972-2-582653

Jack Lenor Larsen
Longhouse 133 Hands Creek Road
East Hampton
N.Y. 11937

20 May 2002

Jack dear friend,

What an effective way to stir me from my lethargy and to evoke a spirited reply. The John Loomis Revolution of Forms is a provocative document about some remarkable architecture which I knew sweet all about. For the life of me I cannot imagine what was served by the Cuban State's sanctions against the schools, nor what ideological interests were infringed, nor what sanctimonious Party polemics were enhanced through its cruel isolation and abandonment.
I had clung to an image of a relatively humane coupled with a harsh reality of Cuba's isolation made more desperate finally by the collapse of the Soviet Union. Our son Amos spent half a year in Havana working with a community, seeking ways to reconstitute their physical and social environment through a community self-help design and construction project. He came back with a glow of respect for the Cubans he worked with; their vigorous participation in their attempt to survive and overcome the hazards of years of hardship.

Are you aware of any international concern and activity to rehabilitate, reactivate, revitalize this poetic place? If so, please let me know what I can do to help. It is not that I am unencumbered, nor leading a bored quiet life at the end of a blue and white rainbow. As you are aware, I have not yet managed to fulfill your command to "stop it". You must know there are fewer and fewer allies daily, both on this side and that. It is all awful and desperate.

In sharp contrast, my last visit to South Africa was a truly smiley time. The public holiday Heroes Day coincided with a celebration of 40 years after the establishment of the military wing of the ANC "Umkonto We Sizwe". Nelson Mandela, I and 4 others were honoured, fated, recognized and invested with handsome medals. The investiture took place in the Jabulani football stadium in Soweto. Dressed and beflagged, packed, loud and very friendly, as you will see in the enclosed.

A more subdued and formal luncheon was held on the lawn of our old house in Rivonia, now a state guesthouse, administered by The Lilliesleaf Trust who maintain and care for the house and gardens. On 6 acres (you will remember the front lawns, the rest of the site now a carefully designed, aesthetic and modern series of single story low houses with walled gardens surrounding the back area of the old house. They have built a small modest museum with photographs, documents and our "Freedom Radio" transmitter, all out of the old Security Branch files, archives and storerooms.

President Thabo Mbeki found time to sit me down and talk of his endeavors to breach the horrendous chasm which exists between Israelis and Palestinians by inviting leading members of the Palestinian Authority and an equal number of cogent

*initiated and supported by the naomi and nehemia cohen foundation, washington d.c.