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United States National Museum
Bureau of American Ethnology
Astrophysical Observatory
National Air Museum
National Zoological

Smithsonian Institution
Washington 25, D.C.

National Gallery of Art
National Collection of Fine Art
Freer Gallery of Art
International Exchange Service
Canal Zone Biological Area

December 16, 1952

Miss Cornelia Van A. Chapin
Box 102
Lakeville, Connecticut

Dear Miss Chapin:
May I express once more my appreciation of the statue of the standing bear cub? It is a superb example of this type of art and one that the Zoo is fortunate to have.

In the spring we shall do a little planting of low shrubbery behind the bear to give it a suitable setting.

I am sure that in the future many millions of Zoo visitors will see and admire this beautiful replica of "Paquita" and we hope she will be happy in the Park.

Sincerely yours,
A. Wetmore 
A. Wetmore,