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June 4, 1926.

Dear Col. Twachtman,
Here are the cards on the table and you can stack them to suit yourself.

Cass Gilbert is the architect of the New State House at Charleston, West Va. One building of the group has already done completed and plans are on the way for a very handsome layout. In the center building there is a plan for a rather elaborate scheme of mural decoration and I should like very much to see you get this job and will help you so far as is possible. Mr. Gilbert will have the recommending of the man to execute the commission, but in addition to this the recommendation will be passed upon by an Art Commission appointed by the Mayor. If you can work on the Gilbert end, I can work on the Commission and through one of my good friends and customers in Dayton.

You have already done enough of this public and semi-public work to know how these things are best handled, so I am entirely willing to abide by your advice as to how to approach the subject. The important thing is that I doubt if any of the so-called mural painters know that this commission is in the wind so we have inside track at least so far as that goes. So much for that.

As you know, Mrs. Twachtman sent down to me not long ago two small sketches and I want her permission and yours to have the one of the house cleaned and lined before we do anything about offering it. This I suppose will cost $50. or so but it will be money very well spent. That is,, the frame and the restoration will probably total up to about $100. but it